Colin Allred takeover Ted Cruz’s senate seat


Colin Allred’s magical impact, the Democratic Party has been competing for Texas Senate seats for decades. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has successfully retained his congressional seat since 2013, but a rising star in the Democratic party hopes to dethrone Cruz. Colin Allred, a former Tennessee Titans linebacker, currently serves in the United States House of Representatives for Texas’ 32nd District, which includes a portion of Dallas. However, he officially defeated four other Democratic hopefuls in Tuesday’s primary to face Cruz in the 2024 race for one of Texas’ most coveted Senate seats.


According to his bio on his political website, Colin Allred was born and reared in Dallas, where he still has roots. He graduated from Hillcrest High School and received a full scholarship to Baylor University because of his athletic abilities.
“Diploma in hand and prepared to attend law school, Colin deferred his acceptance to play in the NFL,” his bio states, adding that he was reared by a single mother in Dallas.
“He was a linebacker for five seasons before sustaining a career-ending injury that opened the door for him to fulfill his other dream becoming a civil rights attorney.”

According to his website, Allred formerly served as chief counsel for the United States Department of Urban Housing and Urban Development before returning to Dallas.
Then, in 2018, he successfully ran for his current seat in the United States House of Representatives as a Democrat. He has continuously run as a Democrat throughout his entire career.
Allred’s website demonstrates that he firmly supports numerous Democratic principles, such as accessible and affordable health care, higher wages for working Americans, and police reform. According to the Texas Tribune, Allred is a staunch Democratic Party supporter.

“Allred remains a faithful Democratic member. He voted with then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time during his two terms in when Democrats held the majority, according to the Texas Tribune.
Allred will confront Cruz, who has been in his office since 2012. The two will compete for one of the Texas Senate seats. The other seat, currently held by U.S. Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), will remain in Republican control until at least 2026, when it will be up for election.

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