Michigan primary 2024 Results Updates

Michigan primary 2024

Michigan primary 2024 updates ;The presidential primary in Michigan was held on Tuesday, with both Republicans and Democrats casting ballots. The election in the crucial swing state will put front-runners Donald Trump and Joe Biden to the test. However, the ultimate number of delegates for the Republican party will be decided at a separate Republican convention on Saturday.

The following are the outcomes of the Michigan primary on February 27:



DONALD TRUMP: The former US president’s campaign to retake the White House and once again grab his party’s nomination got off to a slow start that was widely mocked. But after decisive wins in Iowa and New Hampshire, his campaign has steadily moved into a position of dominance.

Trump declined to attend any of the Republican debates, has used his court appearances and many legal woes as a rallying cry to mobilize his base, and has run a surprisingly well-organized campaign. His extremist rhetoric, especially around his plans for a second term and the targeting of his political enemies, has sparked widespread fears over the threat to American democracy that his candidacy represents.

His political style during the campaign has not shifted from his previous runs in 2016 and 2020 and, if anything, has become more extreme. Many see this as a result of his political and legal fates becoming entwined, with a return to the Oval Office being seen as Trump’s best chance of nixing his legal problems.

NIKKI HALEY: The former South Carolina governor and ex-US ambassador to the United Nations under Trump has mostly hewed a fine line between being an alternative to Trump, while not outraging his base with too much direct criticism.

That paid off to some extent as Haley shone in debates and rose past her competitors for the number two slot in the Republican race. But after losing by sizable margins in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, Haley’s chances have dwindled.

RYAN BINKLEY: Binkley, a Texas businessman, has now dropped out but is still in the ballot. Binkley was a long-shot candidate who is also a pastor at Create church. The self-proclaimed far-right fiscal conservative criticized both Democrats and Republicans for not being able to balance the federal budget, and said he would focus on health costs, immigration reform and a national volunteer movement.



JOE BIDEN: Biden is the likely Democratic nominee for the 2024 presidential election. He announced his campaign for re-election on 25 April 2023, exactly four years after he announced his previous, successful presidential campaign. While approval for the president remains low, hovering just above 40%, political experts say he is the most likely candidate to defeat Trump. Biden has served in politics for over five decades and is running on a platform that includes abortion rights, gun reform and healthcare. At 81, he is the oldest president in US history.

DEAN PHILLIPS: Dean Phillips, a three-term Democratic congressman from Minnesota, is challenging Biden, saying the next generation should have the opportunity to lead the country. Phillips is the heir to a distilling company and once co-owned a gelato company. He entered public office spurred by fighting back against Trump.

MARIANNE WILLIAMSON: Failed 2020 presidential candidate Marianne Williamson has now dropped out of the race but will still be on the ballot. Williamson, an author of self-help books, launched her long-shot bid with campaign promises to address climate change and student loan debt. She previously worked as “spiritual leader” of a Michigan Unity church. FOR MORE UPDATES CLICK…

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